Thursday, October 7, 2010

Tougher Than Leather

The icons that I selected are intentionally connected. To the hip-hop community, Run-DMC was the first group to truly commercialize a culture that was supposed to fade away shortly after its inception. Run-DMC was the voice of the projects, the voice of the streets. To all of the kids that looked up to the drug dealers and the flashy lifestyle that they lived, Run-DMC was the music equivalent, so many kids went from admiring drug dealers to admiring their favorite rap group and wanting to be just like them when they grew up. 

These icons are hip-hop mainstays. When you think about some of the pioneers of hip-hop and if you were a late 70’s or early 80’s baby, Run-DMC is more than likely who stuck out most. The cocky demeanor, the braggadocios rhymes, the leather clothes, the big gold chains, the unlaced Adidas; this was swag before that word was made popular by rappers in recent years. 

For me personal, Run-DMC represents hope. These guys grew up in the hood just like I did and they found a way out. I have been a rapper for the past six years and I would be lying if I said that Run-DMC did not influence my love for the art. They are arguably the most recognizable, influential, respected hip-hop collective of all time.


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